You are sitting in one of these meetings. A lot has been discussed. Everybody is sort of clear on what needs to happen to take things forward. Now somebody has to take the next step toward actually doing something. People are starting to fiddle with their pens, laptops or suddenly become very interested in what the little spider is doing in the corner of the room. She who moves first looses.
“There we go again”, you think, “we all know that something needs to happen and we also know that this something is probably very helpful for the team. We also know that nobody really has the time or energy to do anything about it.” What do you do then?
My friend and fellow SolutionsAcademy coach trainer Frank Gollas introduced me to an enlightening and playful way to create realistic commitment: The S³ method (S³ = Sometime somebody should)
In the end you see whether carrying out what you have planned is realistic. You also learn about the team’s preferences.
Most importantly you learn what it takes for the team to voluntarily commit to actions. If you know that and think about it before the next meeting, the discussions will become more productive because they already anticipate what can be done and what will be more difficult.
If you want to learn more about team coaching or leadership facilitation moves, come to one of our free meet up and exchanges or one of our agile meet ups or labs.
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