This week I came across the following quote by Simon Western: “The solution-focused approach, by refusing to talk about problems, uses the signifier ‘solution’ as a substitute
I have seen advertisements of “F***-Up Nights” in my social media. Apparently it is a mini-conference, where people get on stage to speak about their failures and what they learned from them.
Can a coach be provocative in a coaching session? Is this “allowed” according to ICF or EMCC standards? In my coaching sessions with executives and also in my
How to make “standard” coaching questions “dance in the moment”
Most coaching approaches know “scaling questions” in different variations. Solution Focused Coaching uses them in order to help the client describe small differences on their
What is that? Are we coaching the gentle grey, long-eared companions (that I find absolutely adorable)? Nope. “Donkey Coaching” is a term coined by Federica