July 14, 2023

What happens when life happens

What happens when life does not adhere to our coaching plans -- read the explorations of Ruth Nelson-Andorf

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September 16, 2022

Does the client really want what the client says they want?

This headline could read like we should assume to know better than the client, what they really want to achieve. Well no, that would be leading.

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July 17, 2022

Provocations in coaching?

Can a coach be provocative in a coaching session? Is this “allowed” according to ICF or EMCC standards? In my coaching sessions with executives and also in my

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July 3, 2022

Can a coach say "I" during a coaching session?

Recently, we had a very interesting discussion on the MCC assessor’s basecamp (a communication forum) about the use of “I” by the coach.

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Coaching for clients in crisis situations

In 2004, I was vacationing with my family on the Maldives when the devastating Sumatra earthquake and the ensuing tsunami hit the idyllic flat little

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When a coaching session is off track

As you are coaching a client, a feeling slowly creeps up: You don’t know where the session is heading. Confused as you are, you first

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When a coach should not listen actively

Of course, a coach should always listen to the client! Our focus is with the client and they are the center of the conversation and

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Do you know THIS online coaching tool?

I didn’t either until our colleague Raf and I developed it in one of our conversations while our participants were in the breakout rooms (just

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Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue — that’s what American (and maybe also English? — enlighten me, English people, please) brides are supposed

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When clients ignore their strengths

A friend from our free meetups and exchanges (link to register below) was telling us a story that all coaches can relate to. She was

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Authentic selves don’t exist

“Whaaaaaat????”, I can imagine you disagree, look puzzled, maybe even angry as you read the above statement. There is so much talk about “authentic selves”

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Why the “feedback sandwich” tastes bad

Dale Carnegie, the father of all self-help books and motivational speakers used the term “criticism sandwich” to help people structure feedback on an unwanted behavior,

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“Leading” questions

As coaches, we are careful not to ask “leading” questions (at least that is what we are asked to do according to the ICF competencies).

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When you know what the client needs to address…

take two aspirins and wait until the fit is over. Seriously — when I talk to coaches who have been coaching for a long time,

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The perspective of the coffee machine

The great thing about being a mentor and coach trainer is that I learn so much from my participants and mentor coaching or coaching supervision

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5 ways to ask future focused coaching questions

Future focused questions are some of the most powerful and transformational coaching questions you can ask. They invite the client to think about a preferred

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“Where do you feel the problem in your body?” – sense and nonsense of a question

I have heard this question used by a number of coaches from various backgrounds: Gestalt, ontological, NLP and others. What is this question about? Why

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You cannot not influence

We almost had a fistfight in our coaching masterclass the other day! Of course, not really 🙂 — we had a wonderful exchange of ideas

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Coaching Loss and Grief

Sometimes clients come to our sessions with heavy hearts: they have just lost something or someone important to them: a job, a client or even

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“Yes, but… we really can’t…” — creating a culture of positive conversations by using coaching techniques

I just had one of these meetings. Maybe you know what I’m talking about — the main topic seemed to be how hopeless the situation

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